"Faith Alone in Christ Alone"

NEW SERIES – Prophet, Priest, & King

On Sunday February 12th, we will begin a nine-part study entitled “Prophet, Priest, & King” that will serve to lead us through the Easter season. Theologians, pastors, and others who have studied the Bible throughout church history have found it helpful to consider the person and work of Christ in terms of this Threefold Office (Prophet, Priest, & King). The first reference to these categories is found in the writings of Eusebius of Caesarea (260-340 AD) and so, as Charles Ryrie notes in Basic Theology, “they have great antiquity.”

We will begin our series with an examination of these concepts in the Old Testament, going back to Genesis 1-2 to see that they were originally present within God’s charge to Adam and Eve in the Garden. Their failure, recorded in Genesis 3, can be seen as a failure to honor God in these roles in which they had been commissioned by Him. We will then consider God’s call and commission of the nation of Israel through the lens of these categories. We will also examine the Old Testament history of the division of these offices in Israel and also consider the words of the prophets, which anticipate a future fulfillment of each office.

Finally, in the weeks just before Easter, we will consider instances in the Gospels where Jesus demonstrates Himself to be the fulfillment of the Old Testament expectation of each of these offices. We will also consider what the New Testament epistles say about Christ’s role in each of these offices for the believer today and in the future when He returns to rule and reign on Earth.

We look forward to these weeks of studying God’s Word together so that we might better know our Savior, Jesus Christ.

In Christ,
