"Faith Alone in Christ Alone"

“The Essentials Of Our Faith” What We Believe . . . Why It Matters!

The announcement of a study of Biblical beliefs or “doctrine” is often met with a long sigh of anticipated boredom – “This is really going to put me to sleep!” or, with studied skepticism – “Since nobody can agree on what the Bible actually says, why waste the time trying to understand it!” Both of these responses are deeply rooted in our modern culture:

— Many people are thoroughly convinced that the Bible is boring, that it only talks about “sin” or negative things, and that it has nothing relevant to say about real life!

— Others have come to believe that “doctrine divides!” It only brings division among Christians and within the Churches they attend. People want “love”, not “division!”

It is our hope that this study of Biblical beliefs or “doctrine” will not end up in boredom or division!

— We believe that a careful study of the Word of God will be of genuine interest to every Child of God because we will be studying things that matter to God!

— We hope this study will not be divisive, that it will not divide us along the lines of human opinion, but that it will unify us in what the Bible calls “the mind of Christ” . . . that we may agree with God and be pleasing to Him!

In each of the following sessions, we will ask two basic and vital questions:

1. What does God say in His Word?

2. What does this mean to us today?

What God says is our Truth – the foundation of what we “believe!”

What God says is our Guide – for living today and preparing for eternity!

What could be of greater importance?

We welcome you to the study of God’s revelation of Himself!