In Matthew 25:35-39, Jesus speaks of one way in which we can demonstrate with our actions what we say with our mouths. If we say that we love Him and that we want to serve Him with our lives, then it is imperative that we demonstrate that at times by directing our attention to those whom the Bible refers to as, “the least of these.”
We all know someone or maybe we have been that someone ourselves who basically is out of options. In that moment, they are not looking for extravagance or luxury. They are desperately in need of the basics…food, drink, clothing, comfort. We can communicate God’s love to people by being His hands and feet and by loving and comforting those who may feel that the world has forgotten them.
Our Mercy Ministries
- Benevolence is our ministry of care for the practical needs of our own people by providing for those who find themselves in difficult situations or circumstances.
- Manna is our once-a-month ministry through which we deliver boxes filled with a week’s supply of food to needy people all across the greater Jackson area. This provision of food meets a physical need, but it also opens a door for us to be able to show the love of Christ to some whom we may never see at one of Sunday services.
- Food and Clothing Pantries are available during the week for individuals from our community who stop by the church, some of whom are desperate, and who are in need of that which we can provide through the generous contributions of our members.