God bestowed on men and women distinct roles and leadership opportunities within the home and the church, and Riverwood Bible Church’s women’s ministry seeks to focus on the equipping of our women to effectively fulfill those roles that God has ordained for them. We usually meet in various homes throughout the year while focusing on three distinct areas.
1. We love to spend time in consideration of God’s Word and its leading in our lives
2. We love to share our thoughts and needs with one another and pray for each other and for the church at large
3. We love to talk, laugh, and enjoy one another as we enjoy the treasure of Christian fellowship.
We seek to practice a Titus 2 model where our older ladies invest in and train up our younger ladies, while our younger ladies also cherish the joy of meeting together for encouragement and perspective. We find more than enough opportunities throughout the year to serve one another and the entire church by cooking meals when it’s helpful, hosting a baby shower, or caring for our seniors and widows in various practical ways. Please join us. There’s always room for YOU! If you have further questions, please contact Mollie Gardner or Shea Scarbrough.
The women of Riverwood Bible Church gather regularly throughout the year for Bible study and fellowship, and faithfully encourage and serve each other and the church body at Riverwood in various ways. To learn more or to be added to the RBC Women’s Ministry email list, email [email protected] or contact the church office.